Monday 13 August 2012

Peacock Nails Tutorial

Hi and thanks for visiting my blog for my very first post :)

This is going to be a tutorial for a peacock feather nail design I recently did.

It seems like peacock feathers have been everywhere this summer and I couldn't wait to do this design on my nails. I chose a pair of earrings I have for color inspiration and you could use pictures or feathers you have to tweak the colors a bit because I know peacock feathers sometimes look pretty different color-wise.

Anyways here is what I used for this particular design :

What I Used: 

  • 2 fairly large dotting tools, one a bit smaller than the other
  • a nail art striper brush
  • base coat and top coat (I used beauty secrets base coat and Seche Vite top coat)
  • a dark green polish (I used Sally Hansen Diamond Strength Emerald Green)
  • a light gold polish (Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear Golden-I)
  • a dark gold/copper polish (Revlon Copper Penny)
  • a light shimmery green polish (Revlon Beach)
  • a shimmery blue-green polish ( I mixed Revlon Ocean and Sally Hansen HD Resolution)
  • a dark shimmery dark blue polish (China Glaze Blue Years Eve)

Step 1:

Always start your design with a base coat, then paint all your nails with the dark green color. This will be the base color for the design. After the green has dried use your striper brush and the light gold polish to paint fine curved lines all over the nail. This will create the long feather effect of peacock nails. 

Step 2:

Next you will use the dark gold or copper polish to make a big circle near the tops of you nails. I did this just using the regular nail polish brush but you could also use the bigger dotting tool to make a big circle but make sure that it is bigger than the dotting tool using a stippling motion to make it a bit bigger than just a dot. After that you can outline the circle with the striper brush and the light shimmery green polish. I did this because my earrings have that color around the copper circle but it would look just as good if you chose to skip it.

Step 3:

Once the copper polish has dried use the bigger dotting tool and the shimmery blue-green polish to make a dot inside the copper circle. I made it a fairly big dot so while it was drying I tapped it lightly with my finger so that it lay flat on my nail as opposed to being a big lump. You can see my finger print in the polish a little but that will go away once you finish the design. After the first dot has dried use the smaller of the dotting tools and the dark shimmery blue polish to make one last dot inside the previous one. (Again I tapped it while drying to make sure it was as flat as possible) Put your top coat on once everything is dry and you are all done!

Here are a few more pics of how the design turned out. I found it hard to capture in a picture how great these colors look in real life, but if you try it at home you will see how shimmery and vibrant it looks :) Thanks for reading and stay tuned for more tutorials soon!

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